About Me
Alina Yurkovsky, Psy.D
Hypnotherapist & Clinical Psychologist
About Me
I’m a hypnotherapist and clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience in the world of psychology.
My central belief aligns with Albert Einstein’s famous quote:
““We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
I work from this perspective.
I help people feel joy and ease FIRST, in our very first session, and they learn to solve their own problems from that place, rather than from the habitual, pain-based, non-effective ways that created their problems in the first place.
I also use skills I have learned from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) training, CBT, psychodynamic schools of thought, family systems, hypnosis and NLP.. I am an integrator. I allow my intuition as well as 20 years of study and clinical experience, to customize the right approach for the unique needs of each client.
I believe that the Mind and Body are one. When the mind is allowed to relax, the body follows. I have seen remarkable cases of physical healing, subsequent to hypno and/or psychotherapy sessions, because relaxation IS medicine.
And lastly, I specialize in helping children, teens and adults with SELF-REGULATION. Because what matters most is not what happens around you, but what happens within you! Self-Regulation is crucial to solving: anxiety, eating patterns (weight loss or eating disorders), sleeping, gastric issues (IBS, ulcerative colitis), pain, relationship issues, self-esteem, addiction, sports and academic achievement and parenting issues. When you develop self-regulation, you hold the keys to the kingdom that you would like to build for yourself, regardless of what happens around you.
A few questions I ask Adult prospective clients to consider:
- If this problem was completely solved for you, how would you feel?
- What is the current issue currently costing you (emotionally, physically, life experiences, opportunities, self-esteem, financially) ?
- Are you ready to Be Free from the patterns that have held you back thus far?
A few questions I ask of my child/teen clients:
- If this problem was completely solved for you, how would you feel?
- Do you know that your imagination can solve your problems? You only need what is already inside of you!
- What are your Superpowers?
If you or your children are ready to Be Free from the patterns that have held you back thus far….click this button to schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me:
I look forward to meeting you!
Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)
School-Clinical Child Psychology
Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY
Master of Science (M.A)
Special Education: Learning Disabilities
The American University, Washington, D.C.
Bachelor of Arts
Communications, Law, Economics, Government
The American University, Washington, D.C.

- Early Trauma Protocol: Healing Attachment Wounds
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Integrative Medical Hypnosis Certification
- Jacquin Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma
- Dialectic Behavior Therapy Intensive Plus Certification, Behavioral Tech, Linehan Training Company
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Certificate, Florida Atlantic University
- Trained Crisis Response Certificate: Disaster and Terrorism
- Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples Externship, NY, NY
- Family Based Treatment for Eating Disorders
- Foundations of Family Systems: The Ackerman Institute, NY, NY
- Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification, Wellness Institute
- Coaching for Transformation: Life Coaching Certification: New York Open Center
- Training and Research Institute for Self Psychology Two-year program
- Focusing Oriented Psychotherapist Certification
- National Institute of Psychotherapies (psychoanalytic training)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Bellevue Hospital Intensive Pesonality Disorder Clinic (IPDP)